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作者:Rochman, C.^1;Yulianti, R.N.^1;Nasrudin, D.^1;等

关键词:Development and applications;Educational materials;...

会议举办机构:Physics Education Studies Program, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. A.H Nasution 105, Bandung, Indonesia^1


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作者:Sulianti, A.^1;Agoes, R.^2;Hilmanto, D.^2;等

关键词:Biopsychology;Chronic impact;...

会议举办机构:UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Faculty of Psychology, Bandung, Indonesia^1


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作者:Vernia, R.E.^1;Tritto, A.^2;Abinawanto, A.^1;等

关键词:Critically endangered;Data collection;...

会议举办机构:Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, West-Java


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4 Acceptance finding ability [会议论文]

作者:Isrokatun, I.^1, Hanifah, N.^1, Maulana, M.^1

关键词:Creative problem-solving;Divergent thinkings;...

会议举办机构:Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Mayor Abdurahman No.221, Sumedang, West-Java, Indonesia^1


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作者:Vernia, R.E.^1;Tritto, A.^2;Abinawanto, A.^1;等

关键词:Critically endangered;Data collection;...

会议举办机构:Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, West-Java


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作者:Sulianti, A.^1, Djuliawati, E.^2, Sulasman, S.^1

关键词:Al-quran;In-depth interviews;...

会议举办机构:UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Faculty of Psychology, Bandung, Indonesia^1


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